Save Big on Merchant Service Fees Without Switching Credit Card Processing Companies
Switching credit card processing companies can be one of the biggest mistakes businesses make when trying to lower credit card processing fees.
Without having to switch merchant service providers, banks or equipment, Merchant Cost Consulting reduces your merchant service costs incurred on a monthly basis.
Are You Paying Too Much on Your Credit Card Processing Fees?
Get a Free Audit & Analysis and Find Out How Much Merchant Cost Consulting Can Save You.
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What You Need to Know About Switching Merchant Services
Credit card processing companies will quote a business savings, but a processor’s goal is to cost just a little bit less than the last processing company.
The higher a processing company can set a business’s rate, the more money the processor or bank makes. And the more money a credit card processing company makes, the more a business has to pay.
Wouldn’t it be nice if changing credit card processing companies didn’t have to be an option? Wouldn’t it be nice if a business could stay with a merchant service company, but obtain the savings your business needs?
Defend Yourself Against Merchant Service Companies
This is where Merchant Cost Consulting comes in. Switching credit card processing companies can cause significant headaches for a business. Merchant service companies are notoriously known for adding unnecessary charges or slowly raising your credit card processing fees every month without your notice.
What good is it switching merchant service companies or negotiating on your own, if processors are going to increase the rates in 3 months?
Let Merchant Cost Consulting be your watchdog and advocate to obtaining and monitoring the best rates possible.
The Process to Lower Your Merchant Fees
Merchant Cost Consulting does a free initial audit of your last 3 merchant service statements and presents the potential savings you can obtain. The audits showcases how much you are overpaying in merchant fees every month and the money that can go directly in your pocket without changing credit card processing companies.
Once both parties agree to move forward and have MCC obtain the savings, Merchant Cost Consulting negotiates directly with your merchant service provider to start the savings process. This can take anywhere from 2-7 business days depending on the processing company. In an average negotiation, MCC gets a client substantially lower fees than if the client was switching merchant service companies.
After savings are obtained and the rates have been reduced, MCC obtains refunds or credits necessary, putting more money back into the pockets of your business. Every month thereafter, MCC audits your statement to ensure rate increases are alleviated, hidden fees diminish, and that your business is on the lowest possible rate at all times.
Tags: switching credit card processing companies changing credit card processing companies switching merchant services